Exed Institute

Interviewing Dean Ziegler, MD


Quick Questions Dean Ziegler

Q: Favorite memory with ExEd? 

DZ: My favorite memory is the last course in Breckenridge where I presented with Scott Primack on specific shoulder and elbow injuries and treatments.  We attacked it from the surgical and non-surgical perspectives and had a lot of fun with a point / counterpoint discussion.  I also love being able to bring the family along for a ski trip in addition to learning, teaching and spending time with colleagues. 

Q: How has ultrasound impacted your workflow?

DZ: Ultrasound helps my practice by improving efficiency and effectiveness. Also, helps patients learn and visualize their injuries at the bedside. Enhances their understanding of their plan of care.  It feels like orthopedics are late to the game of ultrasound in working up and treating patients compared to physiatrists. 

Q:   Beach house or a mountain house?

DZ: Went for a very valid intermediate of a lake house where we can enjoy both the perks of a mountain and water sports.

Q: Ideal day outside of the office?

DZ: I love spending it at the lake house, driving my boat with the kids wakeboarding on the back.

Q: A skill that you would like to learn?

DZ: Fly fishing.

Q: Who is your role model?

DZ: Professionally I would have to say Ric Madsen MD who is basically the godfather of dynamic diagnostic ultrasound.  Personally, my parents are my role models. 

Q: Favorite sports team/ city?

DZ: I live in Wisconsin so I have to say the Wisconsin badgers and Green Bay Packers.
