Exed Institute

Interviewing Joanne Borg Stein, MD


Quick Questions Joanne Borg Stein

Q: What is the most rewarding aspect in your Job?

JBS: The most rewarding aspect of my job lies in my interactions with the patients. Providing care not only to them but also extending that support to their families feels like a genuine privilege. Building enduring connections with these individuals brings me immense satisfaction and is a source of great joy.

Q: What is your Vacation Destination that comes to mind?

JBS: Cape Cod comes to mind as my summer getaway destination. The opportunity to lounge by the shoreline, unwind, and let go of stress is truly wonderful. Sharing this experience with both family and friends adds an extra layer of enjoyment.

Q: Why is ExEd Special?

JBS: ExEd is particularly appealing due to its focused approach to learning, allowing for an in-depth exploration of individual body parts or joints. I thoroughly enjoy the intimate setting and think it really enhances the engagement of learning. In this shared experience, we all come together as colleagues with similar interests.

Q: Can you share a fun fact to our audience? 

JBS: I have 3 grandsons and a fourth one that is on the way who is due Christmas Day.

Q: Any advice for those pursuing a similar field? 

JBS: Don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in. For those going into this field of PM&R, I can say that it is a phenomenal field and I am so happy to be in it every day.
